Sunday, September 18, 2011

Engish152 Syllabus 2011





Course Title:            Basic Writing English I

Course Code:          ENGL 152

Contact Hours:       Four (4) hours per week

Credits:                     Three (3)

Course Duration:  One (1) Semester

Course Level:          First Year

Prerequisite:            ENGL 097 or Placement Exam

Course Description

ENGL 152 is a first-year level course that introduces students to the process of paragraph writing.  The objectives are directed towards the development of a coherent paragraph. The course also intends to emphasize writing skills, focusing on the four main features of the paragraph: the indentation, the topic sentence, the supporting details, and the concluding sentence.  The following four paragraph styles will be covered: Process, Descriptive, Opinion, and Narrative.

Course Objectives

Students will be able to demonstrate mastery of the following skills:

·         identify and correctly apply the four essential features of the paragraph

·         demonstrate mastery of writing mechanics, sentence structure, and subject-verb agreement skills

·         write clear, effective topic sentences, with relevant supporting details, and clear, effective concluding sentences

·         organize, develop, and write process, descriptive, opinion, and narrative paragraphs

Evaluation Criteria

Partial Exam I (Unit 1)                     100 points

Departmental Midterm Exam         100 points

Partial Exam II                                  100 points

Departmental Final Exam              100 points

Total Points                                     400 points

Standard Grade Scale Universidad of “El Turabo”

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 0-59%

General Observations

Regular and punctual attendance to class is required.  Excessive absences will adversely affect the student's grade.  The student is responsible for all class work, assignments, and for all partial and departmental exams.  Arrangements for make-ups for missed exams, and other class work must be made with a valid excuse, and is at the discretion of the professor.  Please keep cell phones off during class hours.



Folse, K. S., Muchmore-Voukoun, A., & Vestri Solomon, E. (2010). Great paragraphs

     (3rd. ed.). Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning.

Bilingual (Spanish-English) dictionary.

Tentative Class Schedule

Week 1: Introduction to course. Discussion of syllabus. General observations.

Weeks 2-3: Great Paragraphs, Unit 1. The features of a paragraph; paragraph types; writing mechanics; sentence structure; subject-verb agreement.

Week 4: Partial Exam I (Unit 1)

Weeks 5-6: Great Paragraphs, Unit 7. Process Paragraphs.

Weeks 7-8: Great Paragraphs, Unit 8. Descriptive Paragraphs.

Week 9: Review for Departmental Midterm Exam.

Departmental Midterm Exam: The process paragraph and the descriptive paragraph.

Weeks 10-11: Great Paragraphs, Unit 9. Opinion Paragraphs.

Weeks 12-13: Great Paragraphs, Unit 10. Narrative paragraphs.

Week 14: Partial Exam II

Week 15: Review for Departmental Final Exam.

Departmental Final Exam: The opinion paragraph and the narrative paragraph


This ENGL 152 revised course syllabus was adapted and prepared from the original Course Outline Master by the ENGL 152 Course Revision Committee composed of professors Samuel Flores, Leonor Miranda, Juanita Rodriguez, and Julio Vélez.

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